Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's the Presence that Counts...Happy Holidays!


It has been a while since I've ranted, but regardless, I hope you're having a great holiday season so far. I hope you're celebrating with family, loved ones, and, of course, lots and lots of food. At least, that is for me.

But the thing that I wanted to discuss today is the issue of gift-giving and gift-receiving. For me, I don't usually mind receiving trinkets, clothes, food, or whatever. As long as you had considered and took the time to get or make the present, I'll appreciate it. But what really irritates me is when people, especially those who are pretty close to me and can gauge my likes and interests, give me something cheap. I'm not saying that they should be giving me a Ferrari or anything- some, like me, are broke-ass college students with a budget. It's understandable. "Cheap" is when you 1) shopped last minute for the item (even right before we meet up!), or 2) give away a gift that you yourself received and did not like (and I can tell).

In the past, I've received such gifts. Story time: once, a friend gave me a hat that was for toddlers. Freaking toddlers. And I have a fat head, so there was no way in heck that that thing was going to fit my head. Nor was there a way in heck that I was going to wear it on a regular basis. I swear, she probably got it last minute at the infant/toddler section of a department store or something. And fyi, I gave it away, hopefully to a child who might actually want it (and actually fit his/her head!).

Another friend once gave me a box of chocolates. Now usually, chocolates are an easy present to give to people, but disappointed me. And this particular box of chocolates is an example of cheap- literally. It wasn't even See's Candies, which I think is cheap enough! Maybe it was the fact that I took the time to make (yes, make!) her present and that she gave me a box of (cheap) chocolates just did not reciprocate.

I just feel like...if you honestly do not know what to give me, then save your money and don't buy me anything at all. Just give me card or something, but even a mushy Hallmark one pisses me off.

Maybe I'm just being picky and bratty for expecting too much from my friends and family. They are wonderful people, but maybe it's because... again, I make my gifts (not buy), so their gifts may not reflect the time and effort that I put into theirs. If that makes sense. But then again, I do wonder if some of my friends really put care into buying their gifts. Since they've known me long enough and know what I like and dislike, I would assume that they would buy or make things pertaining to those interests. Alas, I cannot be helped...

It's complicated, this holiday season-giving exchange. But I shouldn't put gifts as a priority. Because Christmas is not just about receiving new things, but appreciating the old friends, family, and loved ones who have made the whole year a novel and enriching experience. Sounds cliché, but overall, it's the presence that counts. Pun intended.

So Happy Holidays, everyone, and enjoy the festivities!